"Pfarrbrüder", "Pfarrconvent" und Schweizerische Predigergesellschaft: Drei historische Beispiele der Zusammenarbeit und des Austauschs unter Pfarrpersonen der reformierten Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert
Pfarrbrüder, Pfarrkonvent, Schweizerische Predigergesellschaft, Johann Jakob Oeri, Daniel Burckhardt, Prophezei, CongrégationsAbstract
After some introductory remarks about the Prophezei in Zurich and the Congrégations in Geneva, the essay focuses on three examples of pastoral cooperation within the 19th century Swiss Reformed churches. The Pfarrbrüder in the countryside of Basel were connected with the Moravians. They exchanged information through weekly reports and monthly conferences. Around 1830, more than half of all the pastors in the area were members. In 1840, the Pfarrkonvent became the official reunion of the pastors in Baselland. At first, they met three and later five times a year. In their meetings, one of the pastors presented a theological topic that was discussed afterwards. In addition to this, the pastors in some areas held exegetical meetings once a month including lunch and informal discussions. The Schweizerische Predigergesellschaft provided the Swiss Reformed pastors with a highly efficient network from the first conference in 1839 until World War I. At times, one third of all Reformed pastors attended the yearly conferences. The pastor associations in the various cantons of Switzerland were linked through correspondents who exchanged information on relevant ecclesial and theological topics.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2011 Christoph Ramstein

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Ramstein, C. (2011). "Pfarrbrüder", "Pfarrconvent" und Schweizerische Predigergesellschaft: Drei historische Beispiele der Zusammenarbeit und des Austauschs unter Pfarrpersonen der reformierten Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert. Zwingliana, 38, 175-209. https://doi.org/10.69871/bncfzx82