"Oswald Myconius: Briefwechsel 1515-15522: Eine Würdigung
Basel, Oswald Myconius, Andreas (Bodenstein von) Karlstadt, Simon Sulzer, Martin Bucer, Rainer Henrich, Amy Nelson BurnettAbstract
This short article surveys the recently published correspondence of Oswald Myconius (in the form of detailed regestae) from 1515 to the year of his death in 1552, edited by Rainer Henrich. Like the publications of Amy Nelson Burnett of the last three decades, it offers a view of Myconius’ activities at the head of Basel’s Reformed church from 1532, that differs from the older Basel historiography which portrayed him chiefly as the faithful custodian of Oecolampadius’ theological heritage. Instead, like Burnett, it shows that it was Myconius rather than his successor Simon Sulzer, who brought Basel’s official theology of the eucharist in line with Martin Bucer’s attempt to find a compromise between the Lutheran and Reformed positions. At the same time, it goes beyond Burnett in offering more detail, and in demonstrating the complexity of the struggle with Basel’s city council during the late 1530’s and early 1540’s about controlling the local church, not least due to highlighting the depth of the conflict between Myconius and Karlstadt that was entangled with this struggle.
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