«frömbde, ungötliche leren»
Diskussion der reformierten Schweizer Theologen über Abtrünnige in den 1530er-Jahren
Täufer, Altgläubige, Bekenntnisschriften, Berner Synodus, Basler Bekenntnis, Erstes Helvetisches Bekenntnis, Ökumene, 1530er-JahreAbstract
Although the doctrines of both the Anabaptists and the «Altgläubige» are rejected in the Swiss Reformed confessional writings of the 1530s, researchers emphasise their «ecumenical character», such as the First Helvetic Confession of 1536. Which positions were labelled heretical and how they could be dealt with was repeatedly discussed in different ways – not only in the confessional writings such as the Berner Synodus of 1532 and the Basler Bekenntnis of 1534, but also in the correspondance. The aim of this article is to show how Reformed Swiss theologians discussed heretical positions and how they proposed to deal with them.
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