Briefe an Heinrich Bullinger im Blick auf Entstehung, Abfassung und Rezeption der "Confessio Raetica" (1552/53)


  • Jan Andrea Bernhard


Philipp Gallicius, Pier Paolo Vergerio, Heinrich Bullinger, Confessio Raetica, Evangelisch-rätische Synode, Drei Bünde, Italien, Nonkonformismus, Reformatorische Emigration, Konfessionalisierung


The Raetian Confession of 1552/53 took shape during the Reformation in the context of Italian emigration to Grisons. The synod was obliged to write a binding order due to debates with the Italian non-conformists. Philipp Gallicius regularly consulted Heinrich Bullinger as he wrote the order. A hitherto forgotten letter from Gallicius to Heinrich Bullinger that is occasionally even considered to be fictitious, in addition to other important letters written between 1522 and 1552, shed new light on the formation, writing, and reception of the Raetian Confession, and challenges previous research conclusions.

Author Biography

Jan Andrea Bernhard

Dr. theol., Privatdozent für Kirchengeschichte, Universität Zürich


How to Cite

Bernhard, J. A. (2013). Briefe an Heinrich Bullinger im Blick auf Entstehung, Abfassung und Rezeption der "Confessio Raetica" (1552/53). Zwingliana, 40, 37–71. Retrieved from


